The Canadian Association of Immersion Professionals (ACPI) and the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) conducted a study in 2021 to quantify the shortage of French immersion and French second language teachers in Canada. Here are four statistics that prove we need you to be part of the future captains of the next bilingual generations!
1. The shortage affects 42% of schools that offer French Immersion schools
The shortage is a matter for all Canadian provinces! And it’s not just a rural shortage – the ratio is 51% in rural areas and 40% in urban areas.
2. Canada needs 1400 French Immersion teachers to meet the demand
Canada already has approximately 17,300 French immersion teachers. However, the study found that nearly 1,400 French immersion teachers are needed to meet the current demand.
3. 2100 schools offer a French immersion program
Did you know that these schools are spread across Canada? French Immersion programs are offered in 12 of the 13 provinces and territories. So, it’s true that French immersion can take you all over the country!
4. The popularity of French immersion programs has increased by 40% over 20 years
The desire to be bilingual is stronger than ever in Canada. French immersion programs are an effective way to develop the French language skills of future generations
Now that you know how much we need you, jump into the adventure with us! Find out if a career in French immersion is right for you by completing our test Am I a future Teacher 5 etoiles?