Education package for high school teachers
The Teacher 5 Étoiles education package offer activities to promote bilingualism and French immersion careers in the classroom for grades 9-12. The package includes three ready-to-use activities (with educational sheets) for French immersion teachers to use in their classrooms.
Activities were created by Mélanie Latraille, member of Teacher 5 étoiles ambassador squad and student in the French immersion teaching program at McGill University in Quebec as well as Lesley Doell, national French immersion consultant at Association canadienne des professionnels de l’immersion.

Activité #1 – Histoire d’immersion
The activity is inspired by the video Mon histoire d’immersion, Marc-Albert Paquette. Students will watch the video, write down inspirational words and conduct a mock interview with each other. The activity is spread over one 25-minute session and two 45-minute sessions.
Activité #2 – Les passions
Activity is inspired by the video Les passions de Nicole, Teacher 5 étoiles. Based on this video, students will create a short blog post in French in which they describe their passions. They will attempt to answer the question: How can we turn our passions into learning? The activity is spread over two 45-minute sessions.
Activité #3 – Deux langues du groupe Radio Radio
La chanson Deux langues du groupe acadien Radio Radio valorise le bilinguisme et le focusing on the different accents in French and using familiar words from the context, students will have to write a rap song verse in French!
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