Finding French immersion teaching resources daily can seem like a daunting task. French language resources are not always available to all teachers across Canada.
Based on suggestions from members of our Teacher 5 Etoiles Ambassador Squad, we’ve gathered some inspiration to bookmark in your browser for your future career in French Immersion.
Resources specially designed for French immersion
1. Canadian Association of Immersion Professionals (ACPI) members plateform
The Canadian Association of Immersion Professionals (ACPI) launched its members platform in the fall of 2020. Its educational area contains a directory of approved educational websites in addition to an exclusive selection of podcasts, webinars, scientific articles related to immersive education. Three membership packages are available, one of which is free and is a good way to get an overview of the platform.
2. J’enseigne en immersion française Facebook Group
Created by ACPI, this group brings together nearly 7400 French immersion teachers. A real anthill of ideas, this group is an efficient way to exchange and share teaching resources with other teachers.

Resources in French
3. Mieux enseigner platform
“Through their huge bank of available materials, I like to find inspiration from the resources on these platforms and then adapt them to my French immersion classroom.” – Lorie-Anne, member of Teacher 5 étoiles squad

Jardin de Vicky and Trois filles et l’enseignement autrement platforms
“I get a lot of inspiration from my mother who is also a teacher. However, I love browsing these two websites that are proudly Canadian and have a wealth of ideas!” – Mélanie, member of Teacher 5 étoiles squad