by Lorie-Anne Ouellet, proud member of #teacher5etoiles squad
I love creating educational materials. However, between correction, planning, meetings, and all the related tasks of a French Immersion teacher, the reality is that there is not enough time. Luckily, there are some great teachers out there who share their creations on social media for the benefit of all! So here are 11 elementary French immersion teachers that I especially appreciate following on Instagram.
Yvette Rossignol is a retired teacher after 32 years (congratulations!). She continues to share her passion and create materials for elementary French immersion teachers.
Sophia, owner of this account, is an early French immersion teacher in British Columbia. On her Instagram account, there are lots of ideas for using art in the classroom, as well as suggestions for children’s books. Her activities are colorful and engaging for students. For the little ones, this is the page to follow!
This teacher is one of the most entertaining on Instagram! Since she started creating “reel” (videos), she is unstoppable! She makes us cry with laughter by the way she shares the realities of our profession. Her posts and stories are always appreciated, they make you feel good and often give you a good laugh. She knows how to play down situations while getting her message across!
I love this teacher’s Instagram account: she alternates between a photo and a visual featuring an activity. She has created engaging resources to use both online or at school. Younger children can also learn and practice writing and reading well with dynamic and colorful activities on their screen.
A grade 3 French immersion teacher in Ottawa, this teacher offers a multitude of resources covering a majority of school subjects to engage kids while having fun. On Instagram, she shares a little bit of everything: literary suggestions, art projects, math activities, and more.
I recently discovered this dynamic young teacher who teaches French immersion (programme Français+) in Montreal in grade 3. On Instagram, she shares her daily life as a teacher and the activities she does in class with her students. I discovered her task cards on emotions and her grammar activity on the noun group which are really too cute and practical.
This elementary French immersion teacher offers a ton of information, tips, and activities, both on her Instagram account and on her blog. I love her ideas for working on reading and writing, from writing tic-tac-toe to literature circles. Students’s needs are at the heart of her activities.
Through her publications, we can see that she is a teacher involved in the feminist cause and in inclusion and representation in the classroom. Another good reason to follow her!
Ms. D. is a dedicated teacher who is involved in the fight against racism. It is important to her to advocate for the representation of all nationalities in the classroom. It is all about what we talk about with our students and what we present to them. She is a very inspiring teacher to follow on a daily basis in order to educate ourselves and our students well in the future. Her resources are valuable and necessary, in addition to being of great quality.
Being a traveler myself, I love to follow Elise, this teacher from France. She makes us discover her country and the French-speaking world through several enriching and dynamic activities, in addition to making us travel around the world through her numerous trips from France.
This teacher was one of the first Instagram account I subscribed to when I created my own professional teaching account. Especially known for her pedagogical projects, she also shares teaching strategies, as well as various activities with different themes.
A Grade 2 and 3 French immersion teacher in British Columbia, she shares a multitude of dynamic activities to engage students in their French learning. Her verb and vocabulary activities are particularly popular in the teaching community.
Her front-page spreads are organized by subject and by tip. Finally, her reels that deal with the reality of French immersion teachers are hilarious and add a touch of humor to our Instagram feed. A wonderful account and teacher to discover!
I’ll stop here. There are so many other French immersion teachers to follow on Instagram! I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to become a member of the Facebook group J’enseigne en immersion française, which is made up of a community of teachers from across Canada!